Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Worcester 300, Wormtown 44.

Hank Stolz, legendary Worcester Radio host, invited myself and Brian Goslow over to his studio via WCRN for an interview about Wormtowns' place in Worcesters History in celebration of it's 300th Annivesary. You can find the podcast version here. Talk of the Commonwealth

Monday, May 2, 2022

Happy Birthday Wormtown!!

44 years ago we started calling Worcester, MA Wormtown to unite the music scene as it was. To celebrate this date, we offer a newly re-dubbed copy of the tape that was to become a followup to the Wormtown 78 LP that was issued in the fall of 1979. Produced by John Jordan in his studio in Upton, it contains songs previously released on Beast Records by The Commandos, Crazy Jack and the Automatics, and never before released tracks by The Blue Moon Band. Wormtown is all but a memory now, but holds a special place in the hearts of those who know what true local music is and was about.
Wormtown 2