Let's see... what is going on this weekend in Wormtown...I know there's something, now what was it?
Friday, head over to Vincent's for some good old timey music from Allan Sheinfeld & Stan Kozlowski from The Spurs with Jack Hanlon from The Stumbleweeds!!! That will be a show to see.
Also on Friday, Bottlefight is back at The Red Onion 29 Main St., Otter River. I heard this place has to be seen to be believed. Just head up rte 68, watch out for Johnny Law.
Then, on Saturday IT'S RALPH'S 30th ANNIVERSARY!!! That's right, the wait is over. Jason James and the Bay State Houserockers, The Odds , Hot Rod Fury, and Slik Family Orkestra. Celebrate 30 years of the coolest club on earth. Go for the music, dig the vibe. Have a burger and Narragansett Beer will be on hand to make the party even better with the Gansett Swag. By the way, got a note this week that Narragansett Beer is now available at Fenway Park for the first time in over 30 years. So next time you go see the Sox, have a Gansett, or two.
Hope to see you all there at The Diner on Grove Street.
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